« Ispahan aux musiques du matin Réveille l’odeur des roses de ses jardins »
Guillaume APOLLINAIRE, extraits du recueil « Il y a », 1918
« De grand matin je m’en fus au jardin cueillir une rose. Soudain me vint à l’oreille la voix d’un rossignol. »
le Divân d’ HÂFEZ de Chiraz, XIVème Siècle
Upon entering this garden, the visitor is welcomed by the music of water. The fragrances of winter jasmine, daphne in March, Damascus roses and false jasmine in summer open the doors to an olfactory journey.
At the bottom of the water path, punctuated by three waterfalls, highlighted by arched jets, stand three Florence cypresses with a columnar shape. They are the symbol of eternal life and an invitation for Muslims to rise towards God.
On both sides, old roses exude their fragrance in June. The foliage of trachelospermum jasminoides covers the south-facing trellises and their starry white flowers deliciously scent the path that borders them; those of the camellias, adorn the trellises facing due north.
This garden is longer than it is wide so that “the visitor’s gaze can get lost in contemplation”.
It is inspired by Islamic water gardens, “places of delight”, representations of paradise.