Parc botanique de Haute Bretagne

parc botanique de Haute Bretagne

The blue spring

«  Ce qui l’attira d’une manière irrésistible,

ce fut, dressée au bord même de la source,

une grande Fleur d’un bleu éthéré

qui l’effleurait de ses hauts pétales éclatants. »

NOVALIS, “Heinrich von Ofterdingen »

Facing south, facing the 1836 residence, the garden was designed with respect for the romantic period which lends itself to daydreaming, to bucolic contemplation of exotic species reported from trips. Under the eucalyptus foliage, a blue bridge, bordered by hydrangea clumps with intense blue flowers, allows you to cross the receptacle of a first waterfall. This garden opens onto a body of water. The winding paths are lined with granite erratics and perennials in a range of blues. Bouquets of agapanthus, Siberian irises, geraniums, asters, knapweeds, speedwells, sages… are set up at the edge of the pool. In the east, palm trees and cordylines offer thought the possibility of escaping to distant horizons.
Ce jardin organisé autour d'un point d'eau créer un paysage aux nombreuses nuances de bleue grâce aux espèces botaniques qui le compose.